Short Coaching Programmes

It is not an easy decision to commit to working with a Coach. For that reason, as a Chartered Coaching Psychologist, I have developed some short one to one coaching programmes which are structured in a way to create some shifts with minimal commitment.

These programmes are designed to achieve specific outcomes with the benefit of the intimate coaching experience that makes the outcomes relevant to you.

Find out more about:

It’s a long and hard journey to become a Partner at a law firm. You may find that once you have achieved this significant milestone in your career, you don’t feel quite like you expected. In this programme, you will be guided to a more performance enhancing mindset and behaviours that will enable you to unlock from the confidence dip, gain clarity, flow and start a journey to embracing and embodying your new leadership role.

Are you ready for a change but feeling stuck and confused? Are you sensing you might be disengaging from the game of doing more instead wanting to be more? In this programme, we explore your life and career from all angles. In doing so, we create a coherent narrative of your career and understand what is holding you back and what makes sense moving forwards.